FNI on Law SB4 against migrants in Texas – El Sol de México

Are 40 million the Mexicans living in the United States first, second and third generation, of which, 12 million live with an irregular statusbut they pay taxes, create businesses and send to Mexico remittances with historical figures, which in 2023 represented more than 53 billion dollars.

“Despite the president’s campaign promises Joe Biden of regularization migratorywhich were not fulfilled, we are subject to campaigns that criminalize the undocumented and the people who help them, like the SB4 Lawwhich is a replica of Law 4437, which, thanks to the mass marches, we defeated,” said Carlos Arango, leader and activist of the National Immigrant Front (FNI).

The demand “papers for everyone” is maintained, “but we see that there is no political will from the Biden government and even less now that the electoral period in November and has already toughened his speech in immigration matter“he said in an interview.

“In the face of this hardening of President Biden, our message is and will be: If there are no papers, there are no votes!”, he stated.

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“We will make it clear during the Democratic Convention which will take place in Chicago of the August 19 to 22“, he told El Sol de México, from the capital of Illinois.

“Many groups of Mexicans located throughout the American Union let’s protest and they will surely join citizens of Central America also based (in the US) and in the same immigration situations “than those of us who feel abandoned by President Biden’s government,” he said.

The activist Arango also maintained that the attacks are escalating anti-immigrant. “SB4 is Texas law more anti-immigrant of the last two decades in the United States. It will come into force next March. And Governor Greg Abbott promoted it.”

The Texan president recently expelled 65,000 migrants from different origins by buses to Democratic cities.

Trump’s offenses continue

And in this line anti-immigrant of Republican politicians add to the recent offenses of the former president donald trump in New Hampshire, who said that “undocumented immigrants poison the blood of the United States.”

Of the SB4 Lawcommented that it will allow the authority to approach any person, just by their appearance, to verify their migratory situationand they can be detained and expelled, without a judicial process involved.

It also contemplates prison sentences for repeat offenders of up to 20 years.

He recalled that in Texas, the population of Mexican descent represents 40.2 percent of its inhabitants, with 10 million people.

The leader of the National Immigrant Frontwarned that “Texas could become a crisis which can lead to deaths due to racial hatred. And this may occur due to the lack of attention of the US government to solving the immigration problem.”

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Of the recent and continuing meetings of President Biden’s envoy to Mexico, White House Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood Randall and officials from President Biden’s cabinet, he commented:

“They meet but the immigration problem is not improved nor is the bilateral relationship improved, especially because it is a critical issue during electoral times both in Mexico and in the United States. And at a time when the American Union has become terribly racist,” said Carlos Arango.

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