Foreign transporters stop work in Chilpancingo – El Sol de México

Public transportation sites that cover foreign routes to the south of the capital, such as Petaquillás, Mochitlán, the Ocotito valley and Tierra Clorada, They announced suspension of service on Monday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 13, it as a consequence of the wave of insecurity and violence that has been had in the state capital.

Transportation sites They published on their social networks that there will be no service these days, without giving any explanation about it, only that there will be no service; in the case of Tixtla routes the information was given directly to passengers to take the pertinent precautions because There will be no possibility of traveling to the capital these two days.

Until now It is unknown if the drivers will carry out any demonstration or activity beyond the suspension of service, But in the past these transportation routes have already held joint demonstrations.

The transportation crisis began last Monday, February 5, after the violent day that left six transporters killed in this capital of them three urvan drivers and three taxi drivers, one of them burned inside his unit.

Since Wednesday, The state government announced the reinforcement of security in Chilpancingo with more than 500 elements, between state police, and members of the Army and National Guard who would install 11 operating bases and would have air support as announced in a press release.

Likewise, the Secretary General of the Government, Ludwig Marcial Reynoso Núñez, announced that With the security device, transport service was restored up to 80 percent on Friday.

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Notably Transport sites covering routes to the south of the capital remain empty and the units They make a base under the bridge near the point known as El Parador el Marqués, because they see the main danger within the city.

Although Officially, a position has not been established as to why these transportation routes have been based only in the south of the city. It is speculated that They are associated with the criminal group known as Los Ardilloswho precisely control the territory in this place, while Those that serve the interior of the city and taxis are considered part of the organization of Los Tlacos, That is why the routes that go towards the Chilpancingo-Petaquillas boulevard cannot also enter that area.

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