Frente Amplio rules out competing in Jilotlán, Jalisco, for fear of incursion of crime – El Sol de México

The PAN-PRI-PRD alliance decided not to participate in the election for the municipal presidency of Jilotlán de los Dolores, Jaliscoafter in 2021 all the candidates, with the exception of Morena, resigned mid-campaign due to threats from organized crime, which is why that election was annulled and a municipal council appointed by the local Congress currently governs.

Yesterday, during the presentation of the candidates for federal and local positions of the coalition in Jaliscothe party leaders highlighted that They fear that the 2021 scenario will be repeated in Jilotlán de los Doloresmaking it the only municipality in Jalisco where they will not compete togetherhowever, Each party will decide for itself if it outlines a candidate to run in that place.

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“Indeed it is Jilotlán de los Dolores the municipality in which we do not go together and we are not going because we do not want to, but because you know that in the last electoral process there were not even conditions for the participation of political parties, thereforeJilotlán de los Dolores separated and we could not go in coalition“, indicated the president of the PRI in Jalisco, Antonio Padilla.

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In 2021, They competed for the municipal presidency of Jilotlán de los Dolores José Cárdenas, from Morena; María del Carmen Sandoval, from the PAN, and Nora Cárdenas, from Movimiento Ciudadano.

The PAN and MC candidates They resigned after receiving threats allegedly attributed to the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartelhence Cárdenas was the only one who could campaign.

On election day, only 1,480 people voted out of the 7,600 registered on the nominal list —16 percent of the registry, while at the state level participation was 47 percent—. Morena’s candidate received 1,036 votes, while MC obtained 171 and the PAN 45. In total, 226 votes were annulled.

Given this scenario, The Electoral Court of the State of Jalisco annulled the election on August 12 of that year because it took place in conditions of insecurity. that “violated the right to free voting and the principle of free and authentic elections.”

The sentence was ratified at the end of September 2021 by the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF)which pointed out irregularities such as that during a large part of the campaign period — approximately 41 days — only one political option, that of the party Brunettemade campaign events, so citizens did not have plurality of options to cast your vote on election day.

In November 2021, the state Congress appointed the municipal council, whose president, Ana Cristina Enriquez Cardenayes, He resigned on the same day of his appointment. The council was only supposed to govern for two months, but the extraordinary election was never called.

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation also ordered the local Congress to convene extraordinary electionsbut these were never carried out, so the entire triennium was administered by a municipal council.

Besides, Jilotlán de los Dolores is an area with a strong presence of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG)which from there makes incursions to neighboring Jalisco municipalities or to the area of ​​Tepalcatepec, Michoacán, the state with which it borders.

In that same municipality, but In the 2018 election, Juan Carlos Andrade Magaña, a licensed mayor, was murdered. who was seeking re-election for the Citizen Movement.

land of concessions

Last January 8 El Sol de México published that the director of the National System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family (DIF) of Jilotlán of Dolores, Ariana Selene Licea Valdovinos, concentrates 17 radio concessions and television that They have a reach of 40 million people.

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Through a civil association called RYTSM AC—which does not appear in the federal government’s Civil Society Organizations Search—the Jilotlán DIF official obtained, between 2022 and 2023, eight radio concessions and eight television concessions for periods of between 15 and 20 years.

With information from Juan Luis Ramos


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