Humberto Zurita will premiere season of Papito Querido in CDMX – El Sol de México

Moving to another reality through his characters is for Humberto Zurita one of the great generosities that his profession has given him, an experience that he will be able to live once again through Luis and “Luisita”, the duality of his character in the play “Papito Querido”, which will premiere a new season in Mexico City.

“It’s a wonderful thing to be able to play a female character. If there is something that our profession has that rewards us as human beings, it is being able to live alternate lives. Being on stage representing a woman is an honor, it is not a game, it is something that is taken seriously,” the actor explained at a press conference.

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In the plot of the play, Luis, Humberto Zurita’s character, is committed by his daughter Laura (Ivonne Zurita) to fulfill his duties as his father and mother when it comes to meeting the family of her boyfriend Eduardo (Lambda García). Tatiana (Stephanie Salas) and Coquimbo (Víctor González) are Eduardo’s parents, two moralistic and conservative adults, telling them that he does not have a mother figure in his family is something unthinkable for Laura, therefore, Luis becomes “Luisita” for a time.

“The character I play is not a man who is used to dressing as a woman, so his mistakes and everything that happens on stage is part of the fun of this entertaining comedy. Interpreting for actors is life,” added Humberto Zurita.

“What this work is looking for is to entertain, to have a good time. It is a work that is very fun, that is the most positive thing about it,” commented Stephanie Salas. “It has been a very cool year, we have taken our good ‘ruegas’, but it is worth it when you are on stage you say thank you,” he added, recognizing the public’s satisfaction with the staging, which has toured the Mexican Republic, cities in the United States and Peru.

Distribution adjustments

For the incoming performances, the cast will change from what the play had a few months ago. Rodrigo Vidal, an actor who is no longer part of the production, was in charge of giving life to Coquimbo, a character that Víctor González will represent in the new season.

“It is a new character for me that makes me very happy because it is another challenge within the same work, with which we have been on tour for more than a year and a couple of months. He is a character that I saw with other fellow actors doing it on stage, now it is my turn,” explained Víctor González.

The season of “Papito Dear” in Mexico City will begin on February 14 at the Teatro San Rafael with a premiere that will have Rocío Sánchez Azuara and Patricia Reyes Spíndola as godmothers. Afterwards it will have performances on Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 5:00 p.m. The season will conclude on March 10.

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