From the pen of Alejandro Encinas / El PRIAN or the dead man’s petate – El Sol de México

By: Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez / Coordinator of the Clara Brugada Programmatic Advisory Council

And now they want to leave us with the dead man’s backpack. I return to this old popular expression that is commonly used to refer to those who seek to scare for their personal benefit, as well as to refer to liars and scammers, since it clearly describes the strategy that the right has attempted to establish in the face of the collapse of its presidential campaign and discredit of his candidate for the head of government, who, involved in a business and corruption scandal, hides himself in lies and slander.

This is the case of the campaign that seeks to sow the idea that the electoral contest for Mexico City is closing, a fallacious fact that collapses in the face of the wide spectrum of surveys on the state of the capital’s electoral contest that they place, in their vast majority, to the candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History Coalition, Clara Brugada, with a stable advantage 30 days before election day, and which is consolidated with the estimates that allow us to foresee the recovery of various mayoralties lost in 2021.

Added to this is the crude insistence regarding a possible disagreement between the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic and the Head of Government that would impact the electoral result. Nothing more foreign to reality. Beyond the good personal relationship they have established, there is something that the opposition coalition lacks: political identity around the transformation project that the country is experiencing. These are women with extensive experience in the fight for political freedoms and in vindicating social causes, which transcends the electoral situation and who understand the relevance of governing the country’s capital and the fundamental role that Mexico City plays. in the democratic transformation of the country.

It is far from the abandonment of the opposition coalition to its own candidate, which has gone to the extreme in various entities of the country, of calling for a differentiated vote in favor of Claudia Sheinbaum for the Presidency of the Republic and in favor of its local candidates, a fact unprecedented that accounts for the exhaustion of the current party system and its decomposition.

However, it is not possible to fall into triumphalism or excess confidence. The capital’s society is a critical, demanding and demanding society that demands greater results in government management at all levels. It is necessary to face the challenges and responsibilities in the relaunch of a government project that must guarantee deepening the progress obtained in terms of citizen security; rethink the water management model to guarantee sufficient supply, and that, unlike in the past, take advantage of the resource found in our territory; promote economic development and the generation of jobs for social well-being, and establish, for the first time in the country, a public care system, which allows community integration under conditions of equity and the free exercise of the rights of each person.

Looking ahead to election day, in the final stretch of this process, there are no doubts or ambiguities, it is necessary to go out and vote, to do so freely. A cascade vote, for all the candidates of the Coalition We Continue Making History. The differentiated vote on which the right is betting is anodyne. The vote represents the moment of a clear definition of citizenship where there is no room for pragmatism or the dead man’s bag.

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