Governing is also communicating – El Sol de México

A few months before the end of the six-year term, the current government headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador can now make a truly exhaustive account of the great achievements that have so far benefited all Mexicans: from the more than 5 million Mexicans who have emerged from extreme poverty, to tens of hundreds of large and medium-sized businessmen who have seen their fortunes increased by the benefit of important public and private contracts, through economic management that already has us in the 12th place of the most advanced in the world. The inventory of the achievements of the 4th transformation is truly extraordinary.

In economic matters, the president managed to demonstrate to all the birds of ill omen that without corruption and good administration it was possible to get out of the quagmire. The construction of infrastructure on a national scale, which includes large-scale works such as airports, dams, trains, roads, hospitals and much more, functioned as powerful triggers for the national economy. In terms of health and thanks to the good efforts of the executive authority, the drama of the pandemic and the global shortage of medicines was rather temporary and we achieved universal vaccine coverage that prevented an even greater disaster. Even in the area of ​​security – although there is still much to continue resolving – it has been possible to stop and stabilize downwards the homicidal and organized legacy that García Luna inherited to this country, as responsible for “public security.” during the times of the Fox and Calderón governments.

However, in terms of dissemination of all the work and public policies implemented by the current government, the president of Mexico made a decision, which in my opinion, is a bit risky and which speaks of his excessive confidence in the “wise” people. who supports him. And although it is true so far that, according to polls, the current candidate Claudia Sheinbaum of Morena, doubles and in some cases triples the voters’ preferences compared to a Xóchitl, —candidate of the prianate–, which rather seems to be going downhill despite the efforts and support of the team led by Claudio to counteract the ignominious black electoral campaign that is coming. So far, the president of Mexico has demonstrated that he alone, through “la mañanera,” is capable of organizing the communication and dissemination strategy of the achievements and tasks of his government.

Until today, a task of such high complexity and magnitude as that of communicating with all those governed efficiently, has been faced for 5 years with important challenges that the next Morenoist government could no longer neglect in any way, since the risk of doing so could be very dangerous. Firstly, and given the great neglect and inexperience in managing the communication front of the federal and state public media, spaces of opportunity were opened to the very well-organized opposition so that the conventional media (commercial press, radio and television) could emerge. like space perfect to try to unbalance and discredit the Obrador government. Consequently, the power of the media counteroffensive—besides the morning one—is practically nil in private spaces, and therefore the dispute over meaning and narrative is brutally unbalanced.

In the next installment, a proposal will be presented by the Comunicadores del Pueblo AC on communication matters.

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