Government of Tabasco minimizes social support from Pemex to fishermen – El Sol de México

From 2021 to 2023 the Secretariat for Energy Development (Sedener) has distributed 21 million 679 liters of fuel, including gasoline and diesel donated by Mexican Petroleum (Pemex), who have gone to groups of fishermen sea ​​and inland waters, but also government offices of the state and municipalities. However, the volumes of energy delivered to the fishermen has gone from more to less.

According to the agreements signed between the oil company and the Sedener of the state government of Tabascothe donations of gasoline and diesel have the objective of “supporting the activities of the organized marine fishing sector, as well as inland waters and oyster farming in the entity”, as read in the agreement published on the Pemex website, but also, From 2022, the aim is to “support with asphalt the works of patching, resurfacing, rehabilitation, construction of roads and highways of the entity”, while “with fuel, the strengthening of the operations of the vehicle fleet of various departments of the administration state, autonomous public organizations and municipalities of the entity.”

This is how the state and municipal government agencies have displaced the fishing organizations in the receipt of aid in kind provided by the Mexican oil company that works at sea and on land.

In 2021, Sedener distributed 4 million 301 thousand liters of fuel, of which, one million 804 thousand liters were used to power the engines of fishing vessels present in the entity, while the remaining 2 million 496 thousand liters were used to start the engines of official vehicles, mainly those in charge of the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection to which one million 200 thousand liters of energy donated by Pemex were delivered. On average, of every 100 liters distributed in 2021, 42 went to the local fishing sector.

By 2022, the state government through Sedener distributed 7 million 414 thousand liters of gasoline and diesel donated by the Mexican oil company, of which one million 782 thousand liters went to marine vessels and fresh water, while 5 million 631 thousand liters were distributed among the municipalities and the various state agencies. Once again, the largest recipient of fuel was the Secretary of Security with 2 million 350 thousand liters.

The previous figure indicates that on average daily the state security agency spent 6,500 liters of gasoline in each of the days that have passed in the aforementioned year, in addition to the fact that this single agency received more fuel than all the fishing groups of the state.

Likewise, Sedener itself used 141 thousand liters of gasoline in 2022, while the Ministry of Health received 180 thousand liters of fuel. On average, of every 100 liters of fuel donated by Pemex in 2022, 24 of them went to support fishing groups.

Finally, by 2023, Sedener distributed 9 million 964 thousand liters of fuel, of which 2 million 520 thousand were distributed to the various groups of sea and inland water fishermen, while the remaining 7 million 443 thousand were distributed. ending up at the municipal governments and state government offices, again the Secretariat of Security took more than 2 million 650 thousand liters of energy delivered by Pemex, while the Secretariat of Government received 259 thousand 735 liters of gasoline and the Secretariat of Health 180 thousand liters. On average in 2023, fishing organizations took 25 of every 100 liters distributed, while the Ministry of Security received a little more than all of them.

Since the prohibition of fishing in areas close to oil platformsPemex committed to supporting fishing groups with fuel so that they could go fishing in places further away from where this marine oil infrastructure is located, however, now the most beneficiaries are the government offices, some of them receive more than all the funds. state fishing groups.

Note published in The Herald of Tabasco

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