They will use water from Benito Juárez cisterns to irrigate Chapultepec – El Sol de México

He contaminated water from cisterns of the Benito Juárez Mayor’s Office will be transferred to the Residual water treatment plant (PTAR) of Chapultepec and will be reused as irrigation water.

The engineer of the Mexico City Water System, Julian Zarco Herrera explained that the water from all the cisterns that is going to be transferred to the treatment plant is going occupy in the lake and use of irrigation in all the green areas of the Chapultepec Forest.

He highlighted that the cleaning crews are made up of eight or ten people who empty, wash and disinfect the cisterns for later fill them with clean water.

“First we remove the water that is in the cistern, with a pumping equipment we take it to a pipe, and that pipe transfers it to the Chapultepec treatment plant where it will be treated,” he highlighted.

Zarco Herrera highlighted that the crew cleans the walls, He carves them and applies a special chlorine to disinfect the walls.. Leave about 10 to 15 minutes for later. fill the cistern with clean pipe water.

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He explained that the hypochlorite which is used for disinfection of the cisterns It has a loading concentration of 27 parts per million unlike household cleaning bleach which has a loading concentration of seven parts per million.

Because this chlorine is too strong, it is diluted on the walls, allowed to work and used to disinfect the water.

Maricruz Espino Pelaeza neighbor of the Nápoles neighborhood, who srequested the cleaning of its 20 thousand liter cistern which two weeks ago presented hydrocarbon smellsaid she felt safe with the cleanliness that the crew applied.

“Yesterday I went to the San Lorenzo tent to ask for the service and immediately yesterday they were going to come but I didn’t answer the phone because I didn’t recognize the numbers, but today they came, it didn’t take long,” he explained.

The Sun of Mexico found that the cleaning of the tank was made in a time of about two hours.

Despite in the San Lorenzo Park was installed Command Postwhere they offer the free tank cleaningresidents of the affected neighborhoods refuse to clean the water tanks and cisterns until they know the agent or component that contaminated the water to know what liquids or chemicals they are going to use to clean it.

“We all agree that It is not convenient to limit our water tanks or cisterns because we don’t know which component has to be removed. We know that in some buildings that civil protection personnel have had to supervise, they have given the indication that it be with chlorine,” explained Azul Posado, from the Valle neighborhood.

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He highlighted that for this reason neighbors They consider it necessary to wait until they know What component is it and what should it be cleaned with?.

“Until we know the agent and they tell us the truth, based on the agent we can move on to the next phase which is clean and then request drinking water”, he assured.

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