Greta Thunberg protests against the construction of a highway in France – El Sol de México

The Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg joined this Saturday a demonstration against the construction of a highway in southwestern France, AFP journalists observed.

The 21-year-old militant appeared at the scene wearing a pink raincoat, a gray hood and a Palestinian kufiya around her neck.

The international delegation of which he is a part arrived in Saïx, near the city of Castres in the south of the country, to participate in the protests scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.

Activists are opposing the controversial ongoing construction of the A69 motorway between the cities of Toulouse and Castres.

The project, which aims to promote the connection of a rural area, divides the political class and has encountered firm opposition from the environmentalistswho demonstrated there on several occasions in recent months.

The organizers hope to bring together between 500 and a thousand people this weekend to participate in workshops, round tables and concerts.

But the rainy weather and the intervention on Friday by the security forces lowered expectations.

The action of protest It takes place on private forest land, which is the subject of litigation regarding its expropriation due to the construction of the highway.

On Friday, local authorities banned demonstrations of the weekend, alleging “risk of major public disorder.”

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Shortly after, when the activists While preparing these days, a hundred police officers were deployed near the area. AFP journalists witnessed two arrests and the firing of tear gas.

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