Gypsy Rose is released from prison after spending seven years in prison for the murder of her mother – El Sol de México

Gypsy Rose Blanchard was released this Thursday after spending seven years in prison for the murder of her mother Clauddinnea “Dee Dee” Blanchrad, who for years made her daughter believe that she had leukemia, muscular dystrophy and other serious illnesses.

The now 32-year-old woman left the Chillicothe Correctional Center at 3:30 a.m. local time, ABC News reported.

Both Gypsy and her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, were arrested in 2015 for the murder of the mother found stabbed in her home. Rose pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 years.

Who is Gypsy Rose?

The case of Gypsy Rose became very popular so much so that a series was produced on Hulu; “Gipsy”, on Netflix; “The Act”, on Prime Video and “Dead and Dear Mother”, on HBO.

For years Gypsy Rose’s mother made her believe she was extremely ill and made her use a wheelchair, along with a feeding tube, to surgeries that served no purpose.

“She physically chained me to the bed, put bells on the doors and told anyone she probably trusted that I was going through a phase and to tell her if I was doing something behind her back,” Gypsy Blanchard. she told ABC News in 2017.

Gypsy says that as she grew up, her mother became more controlling and wanted to explore the world. On one of those occasions she created a profile on a dating site and that was when she met her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn.

“(My mother) got jealous because I was paying too much attention to her and she had ordered me to stay away from him,” Gypsy confessed.

Gypsy once said she wished her mother were dead, when Nicholas Godejohn stabbed Rose’s mother in her bedroom in June 2015.

Godejohn was charged with first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. After the murder, Rose even said that she felt freer in prison. Now, with her departure, the woman seeks to resume her life.

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“I’m ready to branch out and I think that applies to all facets of my life,” he told People.

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