Brazil celebrates extension of anti-inflation package in Mexico – El Sol de México

He Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture welcomed the one-year extension of the anti-inflation measures from Mexicothat import tax exemption to certain food products, which is a great help for Brazilian exporters.

The list of products benefiting from the measures includes poultry meat, pork, beef, corn, rice and eggs, the ministry said.

In 2023, Mexico became the Brazil’s fifth largest trading partnerbehind China, the United States, Argentina and the European Union, according to the ministry.

He commercial boost was largely due to the application of a anti-inflation package Mexican in May 2022, which facilitated the entry of brazilian products in it mexican market.

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The measures also helped Mexico surpass Chile and Paraguay as the second main destination for Brazilian agricultural exports in Latin America, the ministry said.

Citing trade data between January and November 2023, the government said Brazilian agricultural exports to Mexico They reached around 2 thousand 260 million dollars.

Brazil is currently the second largest supplier of poultry meat to the Mexican market, the ministry said. Recently, it began shipping shipments of pork to that country.

Before anti-inflationary measuresimport tariffs were 16 percent for Brazilian pork and up to 75 percent for chicken meat, according to ABPA, an advocacy group. brazilian pressure that represents food processors such as BRF SA BRFS3.SA and JBS SA JBSS3.SA.

With the measures, trade recovered, but the accelerated growth of Brazilian meat imports provoked the reaction of Mexican pressure groups, which sought protection in the courts to suspend imports of pork from Brazil.

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He Department of agriculture did not immediately respond to the current situation of the pork ban. ABPA stated that the ban remains in place.

After the application of the suspension of importsthe Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture stated that Brazilian pork products worth 60 million dollars who were waiting for authorization to enter Mexico.

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