Holy Innocents’ Day: why it is celebrated and the best memes – El Sol de México

Each December 28th people remain alert to any deception that they may fall victim to by the Holy Innocent’s Days, but what is the origin of this celebration and why is it customary to make jokes?

The story goes back to 2 thousand years ago, when, overcome by anger and envy, King Herod I, known as “The Great”, He ordered a great massacre of children, whom they called Holy Innocents.

Everything happened, according to the Catholic religion, with the birth of the baby Jesus, A fact that caught the attention of some kings, who, guided by a star, began their journey to Bethlehem to worship him, as he was the true son of God and the next king of the Jews.

In his attempt to prevent the latter from happening, Herod ordered to kill all children under 2 years old; However, Jesus managed to save himself because an angel appeared to his father Joseph and ordered him to flee from danger.

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The Bible points out that hundreds of children died and their souls rose to heaven, That is why they are remembered as Holy Innocents, in addition to the fact that Herod was deceived for years believing that he had murdered the king of the Jews.

Why are jokes made on April Fool’s Day?

The massacre that gave rise to the Day of the Holy Innocents was distorted in the Middle Ages with the so-called “festival of fools”, which was celebrated in Europe between December 24 and 31.

In this celebration, where people, in costumes and to the rhythm of music, took the opportunity to commit all kinds of excesses until finally, King Felipe II decided to prohibit them.

Over time, these acts were replaced by pranks or borrowing something that would be returned by February 2. Later, the so-called “innocentadas” began to be celebrated, in which the term innocent was confused, being that “who does not harm anyone, naive or stupid.”

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In Spain the phrase was used: “Herod sent Pilate, Pilate sent his people and he who lends this day is an innocent person”, but in Mexico it was changed to: “Innocent little dove who let yourself be fooled on this April Fool’s Day, that you should trust no one.”

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