Healthy Republic Axis, by Claudia Sheinbaum – El Sol de México

For our candidate from the Coalition “Let’s Keep Making History, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, everything that has to do with Health is very important since the Health, mainly of those who have the least or do not have resources, is one of her priorities. and therefore, in the presentation of the Healthy Republic axis, Dr. Sheinbaum emphasized that the right to health is established in Article 4. of the Constitution as a human right.

“Thus, their commitment is to continue the Fourth Transformation to consolidate the federalization of state health services within the IMSS-Wellbeing and thus ensure that there is a single system for people who do not have social security.

Through the Ministry of Health, public institutions will be strengthened, from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) and the IMSS-Wellbeing. As well as the BIRMEX company dedicated to developing, producing, importing and marketing vaccines, fabotherapeutics and clinical diagnostic products, and Cofepris.

Dr. Sheinbaum’s proposals regarding this axis are:

1.- All Mexicans, from birth, will be affiliated with the public Health Service for Well-being, which will guarantee access to vaccines, preventive care, medical care, studies and laboratories, surgeries and completely free medications.

2.- The care and supply of medicines must improve. To do this, it will rely on science and technology.

3.- For pregnant women and the first thousand days of their son or daughter’s life, a special program will be promoted that will help prevent chronic-degenerative diseases and address other problems early.

4.- The “Health, House by House” program will be launched, which is a territorial program for primary health prevention.

5.- Family clinics will be built in municipalities that do not yet have them, in order to reduce the saturation of clinics and hospitals, completing the rescue of the infrastructure abandoned in the neoliberal period and hiring the necessary personnel.

6.- Programs and campaigns aimed at preventing addictions, particularly chemical drugs, will be expanded and the trade in vaping devices will be prohibited.

7.- A National Mental Health Program for Well-being will be implemented, aimed at young people, the elderly and people who are victims of violence.

Claudia Sheinbaum stated that she has the best team within health policy, highlighting Dr. Juan Ramón de la Fuente and Dr. David Kershenobich.

This axis has the great objective of strengthening public institutions, as well as preventing diseases such as diabetes and hypertension through home medical visits to avoid hospital saturation.

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