High-level US officials arrive to discuss immigration issues with AMLO – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that during the High Level Security meeting that will be held this Wednesday with officials from the White House, in the National Palace, they will seek to stop the phenomenon of migrant caravans that leave Central America in order to reach the United States and added that both countries collaborate to continue addressing the causes of migration.

“Yes, basically, it is the immigration issue,” said López Obrador when asked by a reporter who asked him during his morning conference if the meeting with White House officials will address the issue of migrant caravans trying to reach States and they cross Mexico.

The president added that both Mexico and the United States are helping each other a lot and they will continue doing so to tackle the migration phenomenon and stressed that what both governments want is to reach an agreement “because as there are elections in the United States, the immigration issue will be encouraged.”

He accused that immigration is “used as a political flag” by legislators of the Republican Party and there are campaigns with the immigration issue, but he stressed that “care must be taken” to ensure that it does not continue to grow, because if it continues to advance it will generate a serious problem.

AMLO declared that the migratory phenomenon is caused by people who see the need to leave their towns, while commenting that there is a lot of economic and social crisis in the world and “it is necessary to promote more productive activities, the generation of jobs.” , in countries where migration is growing.

He stressed that in recent times, the entire economy has focused on financial speculation. But, on the other hand, in Mexico, there is no such problem.

“Fortunately, we do not have that problem: in Mexico the economy is, fortunately, growing and a lot of foreign investment is already arriving. There are jobs and we do not have a consumer crisis. That helped a lot, people are happy. You go out into the street and see happy people, you don’t see people afraid. And that is very good,” she assured.

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Last Tuesday, the president confirmed that he will have a High Level Meeting on Security this Wednesday, October 27, with US officials, at noon at the National Palace.

The American delegation will be composed of Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States of America; with the White House national security advisor, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall and, the Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, Alejandro Mayorkasas reported by López Obrador himself.

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