In the shade / Cuauhtémoc Blanco – El Sol de México

In Morelos the president did not do well at all this weekend, well, at least it was not easy to make promises, because due to the presence at a public event of Cuauhtémoc Blanco, the boos drowned out his soliloquy. “I want to tell you how I think in relation to the governor of Morelos: I think he is a great governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco. I already told you: I don’t care, it’s my opinion, and I know it. Do you know why? Because everything we have done in Morelos we have done together. You don’t know what I have suffered in other states with other state governments that, instead of working together for the good of the people, they do everything to block the actions of the federal government. Not here, in Morelos, here we work together with Cuauhtemoc”. And those who saw the former América player at that moment say that he was so moved that it seemed like he was going to cry. But the boos made him leave soon, along with the President.

In the shadow…

Some electoral places are experiencing a faster warming than others, the case of Morelos standing out especially. In this state, the political climate has reached particularly high levels of tension. Lucy Meza Guzmána candidate for the Front, has publicly stated that he has received death threats.


That these threats arose as a result of the disclosure of an alleged embezzlement of more than three billion pesos during the management of Cuauhtémoc Blanco. Said embezzlement was pointed out within the framework of an audit carried out by the Superior Audit of the Federation, which examined the public accounts of the last four years, evidencing significant irregularities.


They say that some lawyers did not like that the Judiciary of the State of Mexico began to invite certification and subsequent evaluation to guarantee Mexicans that they are being defended by a professional with the credentials and technical knowledge of local laws necessary to litigate.


Well, they tell us from the Court that presides Ricardo Sodi, that the aforementioned training, the only one of its kind in the entire country, is completely voluntary; In addition, it has the endorsement of the Mexican Bar Association, of Victor Oleaand the local chapter of that institution that carries Aída-Aíxa Chávez.


In an interview, the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgadocame out in a kind of defense of the diver’s candidacy Rommel Pacheco for the mayor of Mérida, in Yucatán, but he could not justify in the eyes of his party militants that the aforementioned former athlete voted in the past against the president’s reforms. Lopez Obrador, when he was part of the National Action bench. The party leader had no choice but to say that in the 4T they will welcome all those who want to contribute to that movement, but that he will not allow the essence or ideology with which it originated to be changed.


Insiders say that the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has completed an investigation, concluding that several companies, mainly under the TCL brand of China, which commands Li Dongsheng, and other associated entities, have violated US law by importing and selling products that infringe specific US patents.


These products include graphics systems and digital televisions that use these technologies without authorization. As a result, the USITC has decided to impose restrictions on the importation of these products into the United States, through a limited exclusion order. It remains to be seen how this will affect TCL’s operations in Mexico.

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