In the shade | Delfina Gómez – El Sol de México

The vaccines against Covid-19 continue to give something to talk about, since the controversy generated by the lack of endorsement from the World Health Organization for the Abdala and Sputnik brands, options available in Mexico for this winter season, has generated such distrust among the population that is deciding not to apply them. Such is the case of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gomez, where 129 thousand influenza vaccines have been applied and only 43 thousand doses against the coronavirus. People continue to wait for brands approved by the international organization to be authorized in Mexico for private sale, however, the procedures with the health authorities have been postponed, a situation that, if not resolved soon, could be the prelude to a new wave of contagions, of which the consequences are already known.

In the shadow…

The Ministry of Communications and Transportation, in charge of Jorge Nuñoas well as Federal Roads and Bridges, of Elsa Julita Veites, must find a solution to the constant closures of the Mexico-Querétaro highway. Just yesterday, it remained closed for more than 15 hours after a gas pipe overturned, with its respective road consequences.


The roads were closed, chaos until the State of Mexico and Santa Fe, due to the connection with the Venta-Chamapa highway. No authority is present to unblock the conflict and the annoyance of those who pay to circulate on the toll roads which, it is worth mentioning, always fail.


Both the SICT and the Mexican Transport Institute report that the Mexico-Querétaro route has recorded 434 collisions, of which 131 have left fatalities; which places the section as the one with the highest concentration of deaths on roads in the country. Of course, an average increase of 3 percent has just been announced in different booths, so it is expected that the new injection of resources that will be generated will improve road safety, not only in terms of accidents, but also with respect to multiple crimes that occur every day on the roads.


The mayor of Cuauhtémoc, Sandra Cuevas, who claimed to be sick and missed Congress, appeared at the scene of the fire that was devouring the Tepito wineries. Coincidence or political strategy? Their presence at the dispatch door of the fire trucks could be interpreted as a gesture of leadership in the face of the emergency. Beyond the question about women’s health, it is crucial to question the effectiveness of the actions taken by the mayor’s office in the control of risk situations like these. The lack of detailed information on the personnel and resources allocated to fighting the fire raises questions about the response and coordination capacity of local authorities. And yes, it would seem that politics just wants to appear in the photo, in the tiktoks.


The Specialized Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) has issued a controversial resolution that involves the renowned analyst and political scientist Denise Dresser. The decision, which imposes a fine of 20,748 pesos and other measures, indicates that dresser committed gender political violence against the Morenoist representative Andrea Chavezwhich has been mentioned as being very close to a very powerful politician from Tabasco who is not Lopez Obrador.


In a public session, the magistrates supported the sanction by considering that Dresser’s statements at the Analysis Table with Loretwhere he hinted at a romantic relationship between Chavez and the former Secretary of the Interior, Adam Augusto Lopez, transcended the limits of freedom of expression and journalistic practice. Furthermore, it is argued that these statements reproduce stereotypes and generate symbolic, psychological, verbal and digital violence.


The TEPJF decision raises crucial questions about the fine line between freedom of expression and responsibility when addressing sensitive topics. While it is imperative to combat gender violence, it is crucial not to restrict freedom of expression and critical analysis. To what extent do the expressions of dresser Did they deviate from legitimate criticism towards political violence? It is a question

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