Injured Mayan Train workers discharged – El Sol de México

CANCUN. The Mayan Train Company announced that they were three workers injured after the collapse of a structure in section 6, in the municipality of Bacalar, same ones that have already been discharged.

In a statement released on its social network X, the company stated that the collapse of the structure occurred last Thursday morning, in the construction zone of the section 6 which is about Tulum airport to Chetumal, in Quintana Roo.

The signature Mayan Train He explained that the incident occurred after broke one of the tensioners that they held the rods that would make up the retaining wall, which caused the structure to fall on the workers.

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The injured workers were transported to the clinic number 149 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), in Bacalarfrom where they were already discharged since They did not present serious injuriessaid the company.

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