Installation of antenna for free CFE internet in school divides parents and neighbors – El Sol de México

The installation of an antenna from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) inside the Guillermo González Camarena primary school in the San Vicente de Guadalajara neighborhood has caused controversy among neighbors and parents because while some agree, others indicate that it represents a risk. .

According to the parents, the telecommunications antenna that is installed is part of the “Internet for All” program offered by the CFE and that in addition to providing free internet to the school it will also do so to the neighboring neighborhoods of the place. In this context, the local residents fear that the radiation emitted by the antenna could cause health damage, which is why they consider that the project should have been made known to them but they were not taken into account.

“Well, we don’t want it in the first place because there is a lot of radiation, they tell us there is no problem and the truth is I don’t know if there is or not right now but maybe in one or two or three years it will affect us and also the problem is that it is gigantic and I am afraid “That with the winds that exist, it moves, they say that there is no problem with that, but I am afraid because we are almost in front of where it is going to fall,” said María de la Luz González, a dissatisfied neighbor.

Some parents interviewed by El Occidental indicated that 15 days ago the school director gave them information about what is being done and they were told that there are no radiation problems and that free internet will be provided to the surrounding neighborhoods, so they seem satisfied.

“Here at school there was a meeting to inform us about the benefits that the antenna will have. They told us that it does not have bad radiation. That meeting was for parents, although anyone who wanted to come was also invited, but those who are dissatisfied are the “Neighbors, parents, we are not dissatisfied,” said a mother.

There is a precedent in a school in Tabachines with a CFE antenna where the structure also began to be installed within the campus, but due to the opposition of the parents it was withdrawn and the company that carried it out had to leave the land clean and rebuilt.

The residents of the San Vicente and Vicente Guerrero neighborhoods will hold a press conference on February 8 in the vicinity of the campus to present their arguments for removing the CFE antenna from the area. This media requested information from the Jalisco Ministry of Education on the subject since according to the parents, the permission was granted by them without consulting the community; until the closing of this edition, no response was obtained.

Originally published in The Western

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