Investigation against former minister Zaldívar seems like revenge: Sheinbaum – El Sol de México

Ensenada, BC.- It seems like revenge and has no basis, said the candidate for the presidency of Mexico for the Let’s Keep Making History coalition, Claudia Sheinbaum Prado, about the investigation by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) against the retired minister, Arturo Zaldívar.

During her visit to Ensenada, the candidate said that it is “outside the norm” for the ministers and the president of the SCJN, Norma Piña, to carry out an investigation based on an anonymous complaint.

Where they also go against the judges who approved projects that are the basis of the laws of the fourth transformation, and due to alleged pressure from Zaldívar for said reforms to be approved.

Sheinbaum Pardo described the judges involved as honest, and asserted that “it would be a terrible precedent” if any sanction against the judges was resolved.

The candidate questioned the ministers for initiating an investigation following an anonymous complaint, and that the names and surnames of those investigated have already emerged, without the SCJN itself having issued an official statement.

“It is something outside the law, that they are dedicated to dispensing justice and not to political persecution, I hope that the Supreme Court reacts, if they continue with this attitude that they are now legislative and persecutors, they cannot be a Judicial Branch like this in a democratic country ”, pointed out Sheinbaum Pardo.

He added that if the complaint is ratified, this represents a polarization of the group in favor of the SCJN, and also made reference to the intention to eliminate the morning hours of the President of Mexico, which he described as “authoritarian.”

“That is why the proposal to reform the Judiciary, democracy is better, democracy is always better,” he pointed out.

Finally, he said that the fourth transformation project is solid, and that it is the decision of the people of Mexico to continue the project started by Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) announced that it is investigating retired Minister Arturo Zaldívar and workers of the Judiciary close to him for alleged violation of judicial independence, high impartiality, sexual violence, bribery, abuse of functions, diversion of resources and hidden enrichment.

After receiving an anonymous complaint on April 9 of this year, the minister president of the SCJN, Norma Piña Hernández, ordered an investigation into the events described in the investigation folder J/108/2024.

The complaint accuses that Zaldívar violated, between 2019 and 2022 when he was minister president of the Supreme Court, the independence of jurisdictional bodies through Carlos Antonio Alpízar Salazar, by exerting pressure on judges with the promise of political and economic benefits.

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