Iran Castillo causes ridicule after his debut as a child singer – El Sol de México

The actress Iran Castlefamous since the 90s for its multiple participations in the televisionhas been the target of critics for his debut as singer for him Children public.

Castillo, 47, has tried to diversify his artistic career after dedicating himself to the small screen in soap operas such asPink Laces”, “High School Confidant”, “Friends and Rivals” and “Class 406”, among many other productions.

The original of Veracruz He ventured from an early age into theater and also in the singingHe even performed on several occasions the main themes of some TV soaps which he starred in.

Why is Iran Castillo criticized for singing songs for children?

In social networks, Iran Castle received negative comments for venturing into children’s entertainment.

Through its social networks, the artist shared some of his new material where he performs lullabies and with themes for children.

Some of his followers did not hesitate to show their displeasure with the new facet of Iran Castillo, which generated teasing.

“Go to sleep, madam”, “You better say goodbye and stop doing ridiculous things”, “Go to sleep so that Iran doesn’t come out of the castle singing”, “Why did this come up and how do I reveal it?” and “It looks scary,” were some of the comments that the publications have collected.

Iran Castillo fans ask for more songs for children

The fans of Iran Castle They came out to defend her on social networks and thanked her for doing things dedicated to the little ones.

Several Internet users expressed that music is necessary for childhoodssince currently there are few artists who make content for this audience.

“Okay….excellent song, enough of the children listening to the dirty songs of Featherweight either Bad Bunny“, “I appreciate that you thought about our children and created appropriate music for them. I don’t care about his age. I’m interested in what she brings to this world” and “Thank you for such beautiful music, it’s what today’s children need,” are some of the good comments that the singer received.

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