It is still possible to end AIDS as a public health emergency by 2030: WHO – El Sol de México

The objective that the AIDS leave behind 40 years of being a public health emergency It is still possible, although for this it is essential that the fight at community level against the disease has more funding and less discrimination, points out the World Health Organization (WHO) on the eve of International AIDS Day.

In a statement to commemorate the day, which this year is used by the WHO to honor leaders and organizations fighting the disease at the local and community level, the agency UN remembers that many key groups “still lack the necessary services, treatment and preventive measures.”

These groups include from adolescents to transgender people, homosexuals, sex workers and drug usersindicates the WHOremembering that 9.2 million HIV positive in the world still do not have access to the treatments they need.

The HIV virus cause of AIDS still causes 1,700 deaths every day and 3 thousand 500 people are infected with it daily, but many do not have the necessary tools to know and treat it, recalls the organization based in Geneva.

However, “the affected communities have struggled to have tools to prevent, test and treat the disease.” HIVwhich has allowed 30 million people access the retroviral therapieshelping to avoid a large number of infections,” said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Community leaders “have fought against stigma and discrimination in order to advocate for access to affordable treatments and local services,” highlighted the WHO.

In order to achieve the goal of ending the AIDS health emergency by the end of 2030, the United Nations health agency reminds that to do so, the objective must first be met. “95-95-95.”

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This means working so that at least 95 percent of HIV-positive people have been able to access testing, that of those diagnosed at least 95 percent receive antiretroviral therapy, and that of the latter at least 95 percent have shown a reduction in your viral load.

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