Russian Supreme Court bans LGBT movement for being “extremist” – El Sol de México

The Russian Supreme Court this Thursday banned the “international LGBT movement” and its “subsidiaries” in Russia for extremismin the midst of the country’s ultraconservative turn.

The judge of the highest jurisdiction in the country, Oleg Nefedovordered to classify “the international LGBT movement and its affiliates as extremist” and asked to “prohibit their activities in the territory of the Russian Federation“, according to AFP journalists.

The decision paves the way for legal action against any group that defends the rights LGBT+ in Russia.

Nefedov, who read his verdict before the press, specified that the decision came into force “immediately.”

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The session took place without lawyers since no organization bears the name “international LGBT movement” in Russia.

The hearing also took place behind closed doors, because the case was under “summary secrecy.”

The Russian Ministry of Justice had asked in mid-November to ban and classify the “international LGBT movement” of “extremist organization.” He did not specify which organization he was referring to.

Any activity related to what Russian authorities consider “non-traditional” sexual preferences could now be punished for “extremism”, a crime punishable by harsh prison terms.

Until now, LGBT+ people faced heavy fines if they carried out what the authorities called “propaganda”, but not prison sentences.

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