It is urgent to build peace in Mexico, say Bishops – El Sol de México

The Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM) spoke this afternoon about his meeting with the candidates and the candidate for the presidency of Mexicowithin the framework of his 116 Plenary Assembly; which they described as “fraternal and kind”, however they pointed out that It is urgent to build peace in the country.

They highlighted that these meetings They are not intended to impose an agenda, nor call them to account, because “it is not our task; We invite you as citizens”, with the intention of collaborating to address common issues.

“We continue to verify that the violence it causes havoc of pain, suffering and death everywhere; We realize with sadness that the impunitythe corruptionthe injusticethe poverty and the constant migration “They are other social realities present in our communities,” said Monsignor Rogelio Cabrera López, Archbishop of Monterrey and president of the CEM.

In his message, accompanied by the monsignors: Ramon Castro Castro, Bishop of Cuernavaca; and Juan Espinoza JimenezBishop of Aguascalientes, the catholic leader He stressed that it is urgent for Mexico “build peace“so they have insisted on collaboration to address the social fabric.

They added that this meeting with the candidatas and the presidential candidate is a tradition that carries four six-year terms being realized. Monsignor explained that it is a invitation with respect to not affect the electoral processunder the argument that the task of the Catholic Church is “be spokespersons and intercessors for the people”.

“The format changes according to the circumstances sociocultural. We gave them a space one hour in a very simple format. About 15 or 20 minutes in which the candidates and the candidate presents his project and the rest of the time they are questions or participations of the bishops”.

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He added that at least 12 bishops managed to ask and present their points of view during yesterday’s meeting with the official candidate Claudia Sheinbaum and the opposition Xochitl Galvez. Today afternoon they will meet with the Citizen Movement candidate, Jorge Alvarez Maynez.

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