Jay de la Cueva begins a new “sexy” and “timeless” path as a soloist – El Sol de México

TO Jay Cave He likes the first times, and with more than 30 years of artistic career and 46 years old, is experiencing a series of firsts as he begins his time as soloistwhich formally began at the end of March with the launch of a disk which bears his name.

“I am committed to this music and take it to its ultimate consequences,” he explains in an interview with The Sun of Mexico. “It’s the first time I’ve taken a disk under my name, and here I am to work on it.”

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Argentina and France were two of the countries where he wrote part of the 11 songs that make up this disk. His objectives when conceiving it were simply to surprise and “set rules to the game”, from the beginning he ruled out having collaborations.

He hopes to have achieved a “sexy” sound, which becomes part of the soundtrack of the fans’ lives, as has happened with the hits he released during his time in different bands. rock.

“I am making timeless music, it could have been made in 1971 or 2030. I am not making music in trend, it is not my goal. But this album It has no concessions, it resonates with my heart with the intention of resonating in millions of hearts.”

He singerwho was part of groups like Microchips, Phobia, Titan and Moderattowho said goodbye to the stage on March 23 at the Sport’s palaceexplained that for this disk He avoided taking outside opinions, because he wanted the result to be one hundred percent his.

However, he assures that despite knowing how to be alone, he also likes to have accomplices at every stage of his career, and even reveals that he has come across colleagues who believe in his projects even more than himself.

For this reason, he seeks to surround himself with friends who will help him grow in this stage alone. “I am looking to set up the club or the gang, because I am an only child and I have always looked for this sense of belonging, it feels very nice. Before I thought why one has to belong to something, but I like to share life, it tastes much better to me.”


His first performance as a soloist was held last weekend during the Tecate Pa´l Norte festivalwhere he surrounded himself with people who provided a lot of love.

“Although I have been in music for a long time playing with different groups, it was something unique. It is something that will not be repeated, it was the first time I touched the album“I saw the house full with so many people accompanying me,” he remembers about that experience.

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He singer He confessed to feeling vulnerable and nostalgic after saying goodbye to Moderatto after 24 years of playing together, and although he would have liked to have a period to go to the beach and process the end of that stage, he did not want to waste his first opportunity on a stage just for him. .

Likewise, he assured that that feeling transformed him into empathy: “I really like being empathetic, I like to think that I can belong to different clubs,” he said. “Feeling the energy of that fragility and vulnerability was used in a positive way, because when we recognize that, we recognize love,” he concluded.

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