José Luis Ruiz Contreras, attorney general of the state of SLP, resigns – El Sol de México

The state attorney general, José Luis Ruiz Contreras, confirmed his resignation from office as of this date for personal and professional reasons.. Your ownership of the order It began on December 10, 2021 and would conclude in October 2024therefore, as soon as the State Congress accepts and processes his resignation, Deputy Prosecutor Xitlalic Sanchez Servin or Deputy Prosecutor Doroteo Paredes Granado would be in charge of the office..

“I have decided to leave the assignment and If conditions allow me, I would join the State Judicial Branch.” although also, he said, would like to be part of the shortlist for the next periodThis was added in the interview with the media at the end of the Security meeting this Thursday.

Furthermore, he said that will remain in office as long as the State Congress determines what is appropriate.

“It is a personal decision that I have made, no one else separates themselves from the dependency, All staff remain until the new owner joins”.

Regarding his performance at the head of the agency, Ruiz Contreras said that he leaves satisfied after attending to and fulfilling the commitments that were assumed since his arrival.“a gloomy outlook was seen, today it is a prosecutor’s office that is closer to the people, with its doors open and giving results.”

He considered that In the issue of drug dealing, we have managed to lead at the national levelTherefore today, he assures, Almost a thousand people have made themselves available to the Control Judge, the Judiciary and there are more than 700 links to the process in the first four months of 2024, which he considers reflects great joint work with security agencies.

What does the Law say about the appointment of the head of the State Attorney General’s Office of SLP?

According to article 122 of the Political Constitution of the State of San Luis PotosíIt is up to the Governor of the State to propose to Congress, three times as many people to occupy the position of Attorney General of the Stateamong which The Legislature will make the election within thirty days and by the vote of at least two thirds of the deputies present in the corresponding session. If the election has not been made after this period has expired, the head of the Executive will proceed to make the appointment from among the proposals.

On the other hand, the norm indicates, “In the event that Congress rejects the proposal, the State Governor will present a new shortlist in the terms of the previous paragraph; If this second proposal is rejected, the person designated by the Governor of the State will occupy the position.”

On October 9, 2023, Congress voted to add the following paragraph to the Constitution.

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In the event that the head of the Attorney General’s Office dies, is permanently absent, or resigns before the State Congress, the vacancy declared by the latterwill notify the State Executive so that within a period of thirty calendar days, it can send a proposal for a shortlist of professionals. so that among these, within a period of thirty days and by the vote of at least two thirds of the deputies present in the corresponding session, the person who will occupy the position for the period for which she was elected is elected. the person who is being replaced.”

Note published in El Sol de San Luis

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