Journalists demand protection for Andrés Salas after attack in Cuautla, Morelos – El Sol de México

Journalists in Morelos demanded justice and protection for Andrés Salasdirector of “Cuautla News”, after the attack in which one of his collaborators lost his life and his brother was injured.

At the offering to the victims, in the Plaza de Armas of Cuernavaca, communicators read a statement in which they indicated that, due to the situation that prevails in the region, reporters information coverage public security They have decided to stop their work, which means that “Cuautla is silent.”

“It must be clear that the attempt against our partner journalist, Andres Salasdirector of the digital portal Noticias de Cuautla, means onedirect aggression against freedom of expression and violates the guarantee for free journalistic exercise”, expressed to Guadalupe Flores.

Thus, They demanded protection for Andrés, in order to prevent another attack of this type from occurring.

“With this determination we demand from the three orders of government security guarantees for Andrés Salas and his brother Fernando and an investigation of the case by the State Attorney General’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic until we find those responsible for this attack and the intellectual authors.”

Published in The Sun of Cuarnavaca

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