IMSS launches call to hire 13 thousand medical specialists – El Sol de México

During the presidential morning conference, the general director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, announced the start of the hiring process for more than 9,000 specialist doctors who will join the medical units in 23 entities. He also announced that there will be basification of doctors in the areas where the IMSS-Wellbeing will operate; In total there are a total of 13,123 new health workers.

Robledo pointed out that this year 11,049 doctors completed their specialty; it is expected that this year more than 9,000 places will be offered to general practitioners who want to pursue a specialty in any of the 538 training centers with a scholarship. Even this year the first generation of resident doctors will emerge.

He announced that today the National Recruitment Day for IMSS-Wellbeing in the 23 states where the program is operating. The official explained that they are looking for specialists in General Surgery, Anesthesia, Gynecology-Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine and other specialties such as trauma and orthopedics, Emergencies, Neonatology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Imaging, Cardiology, Pathological Anatomy, among others.

He added that the registration deadline will be until February 23 and you can register on the page

In addition to what was said, the call for senior managers was announced, which will be the personnel that will strengthen the institution, so three thousand people will be hired for supervision and presence in zonal teams.

Robledo explained that the reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is aimed at ensuring that the Mexican State guarantees surgeries free of charge. In addition to remodeling, rehabilitating, obtaining licenses, providing equipment and personnel to 1,333 operating rooms.

He commented that there was a very significant number of these operating rooms that were not in operation and for this a total of 14,386 million pesos will be invested in infrastructure, equipment, and in the hiring of 32,000 specialists.

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With this they will launch in more than 700 hospitals in the 23 entities that joined the proposal to create the IMSS-Wellbeing.

Robledo presented the remodeling work in the entities and said that in the case of Guerrero there are many comprehensive, basic, community hospitals, which are small hospitals with between 9 to 12 beds, but that the operating rooms were not in operation due to lack of personnel. . The same happens in Oaxaca and Chiapas

While in Mexico City, a very significant number of operating rooms of the 114,102 that there are, have had some intervention to be able to offer 6 surgeries a day.

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