They arrest the alleged murderer of the Hope 52 bar in Tabasco – El Sol de México

The Secretariat of Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSPPC) detained Joshua Elimeletc “N”noted as the alleged perpetrator of the murder of three young people inside the bar Hope 52 early Sunday morning.

Along with him, two people identified as Romel Edison “N” and Antonio de Jesús “N” were detained by the state police, however, the case was reported by the crime of stolen vehicle and carrying a prohibited weapon.

These arrests correspond to what was confirmed by Governor Carlos Merino Campos where he pointed out that three people are being investigated for the alleged relationship with the shooting in the bar located in the Tabasco 2000 area, and where initially there were 7 detainees.

Josué Elimeletc “N”, the alleged murderer of Hope 52

The face of Josué Elimeletc “N” became a national trend due to the supposed resemblance to the material actor in the Hope 52 bar shooting that left three men dead.

The characteristics of his face are apparently similar to the mysterious man who appears in several of the videos already circulating on social networks.

In one of the clips, his face is focused when he was in the box office area of ​​said bar.

Note published in The Herald of Tabasco

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