Judiciary is hijacked by a rapacious minority at the service of crime: AMLO – El Sol de México

During the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, he regretted that the Judiciary continues to be kidnapped and that it is at the service of a “rapacious minority and white-collar crime.”

Before the Secretary of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde, presented the breakdown of the initiative of the reform of the Judiciary, The president insisted that only with the election of ministers, magistrates and judges will it be possible to clean up this power. “That the powers of the elites are not maintained.”

He compared the issue of insecurity in the country with the situation faced by the Power of attorney. He said it is a complex structural problem that will be difficult to change.

It has to do with lawyers, the moralization of public life, as well as abandoning the desire for profit. “But we have to start and something that helps a lot is not maintaining elite powers, but rather purifying public life with the support of everyone, forgetting that politics is a matter of the elites.”

For its part, The Secretary of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde, explained the content of the reform that seeks to respond to the demands of the population, that provides justice, that is independent, that resolves independently of private interests, that contributes to combating impunity and that is a body that monitors that there are no acts of corruption.

He pointed out that the reform seeks to reduce the number of ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), go from eleven to nine members and have them elected not for 15 years but for 12 years, as well as disappear the two chambers “because They are very opaque in their sessions” and that those of the Plenary Session be public.

He reiterated that the remunerations of the ministers must be adjusted to the salary of the President of the Republic.

Judges, ministers and magistrates will be elected by popular vote. For this purpose, an extraordinary election will be called, where all current ministers will be changed, at least four of them appointed during the current administration.

He also explained that the election of the members of the Judiciary will be called to carry out a campaign that will last 60 days, the use of public resources will not be allowed, they will have the right to official times and political parties will be excluded from participating.

It will be the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation that will resolve any challenge, except in the election of the members of that tribunal, since there it will be the Court that qualifies the process.

He explained that the initiative provides specific rules in the event of the absence of a minister, magistrate or judge. In that case, interims will be appointed until new elections are held.

The reform also plans to replace the Federal Judiciary Council because it does not monitor the actions of judges, so the Disciplinary Court will be created that will investigate judges, magistrates and ministers when they commit acts contrary to the law, corruption, complicity, or when their resolutions do not comply with what the Congress of the Union mandated.

This Disciplinary Court, he added, will impose reprimands, fines and even dismissals, except in the case of ministers who may request an impeachment trial.

In the case of the 1,633 circuit magistrates and district judges, elections will be called in each of the 32 judicial circuits in the ordinary elections based on six candidates per position.

The secretary reported that new procedural rules are also proposed, one that seeks to comply with the precept of expeditious justice and avoid endless appeals that make trials take years. A period of six months is established to resolve matters and up to a maximum year to resolve criminal matters.

The initiative prohibits granting suspensions against laws with federal effects in amparos, constitutional controversies and unconstitutionality actions. So that what is currently happening does not happen and he cited as an example the decision of two ministers, one who annulled the electricity law, another who prohibited the use of textbooks and in another case they took cover with the trusts of the Judicial Branch.

Regarding the trusts of the Judicial Branch, he announced that once the pending trials are concluded, they must be returned to the Pension Fund for Welfare. It will be established in the Constitution that there will be no trusts and only public resources will be used to cover the needs of workers.

Mayor Luján pointed out that in the case of Local justice, the judicial powers of the federal entities must establish rules for the direct election of magistrates and judges, as well as independent administration and disciplinary bodies.

During the conference, one of the representatives of a digital portal asked López Obrador to sign two copies of his book Thank you!

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