Legislative productivity in the Senate during 2023, highlighted: Ana Lilia Rivera – El Sol de México

The work of the Board of Directors in the Senate of the Republicstood out for the productivity and agreements and proof of this were the more than 150 opinions that were achieved with the work of all the Parliamentary Groups with whom there was respect, plurality and collaboration in the development of legislative work, as highlighted by the president of the Board of Directors, Ana Lilia Rivera.

When taking stock of the legislative work of the First Period of the Third Year of the LXV Legislaturethe President of the Board of Directors, Ana Lilia Riverahighlighted that between September 1 and December 14, 2023, around 150 opinions and reforms to various laws that benefit the population in general.

Through a message he published on social networks, he indicated that this work can be described as one of the most productive periods of sessions of the current legislature, for which he thanked the respect, plurality and collaboration of all the parties in the Senate.

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He explained that among the most prominent topics are those related to Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms that have the purpose of streamlining and simplifying conflict resolution; the protection of labor rights for members of the Armed forces assigned to the National Guardanimal protection and 400 military promotions, among others.

“Today we have a new law that guarantees that they are resolved in a simpler, simpler way, and of course guarantee prompt and expeditious justice for the people.”

He pointed out that the Plenary gave its support to an opinion to guarantee the labor rights of elements of the Armed forces assigned to the National Guard. He recalled that at the conclusion of the work, the appointment of four pending consuls was ratified, as well as several appointments of ambassadors.

“We are satisfied with the work we have done because, although there were very controversial issues that attracted mostly the media, the reality is that we are one of the Boards of Directors more productive.”

Ana Lilia Rivera He also said that the confrontation was reduced; “We managed to maintain a balanced plenary session, without outbursts. We tried to be able to achieve, among all the members of the Board, a work plan that was cordial, that was respectful, and I think we achieved it,” he expressed.

He mentioned that in this Ordinary Period of Sessions The project to consolidate the Healthcare system for Welfare, as well as reforms to update the table of occupational diseases, so that independent workers can have access to housing, as well as to guarantee the rights of farm workers.

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He also endorsed the General Law of Adequate and Sustainable Food; the ruling to extinguish the trusts of the Judicial power of the Federation; modifications to promote rainwater harvesting and to establish public veterinary clinics; in addition to projects to combat the trafficking of illegal substances and eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.

Ana Lilia Rivera also sent, through her internet channels, a warm congratulations on the occasion of the December holidays, expressing her congratulations to the entire population, in this New Year 2024 that begins.

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