Mayan Train suspends operations until New Year’s two weeks after its inauguration – El Sol de México

Just last December 15, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador inaugurated the first section of the Mayan Train and this Thursday he suspended activities until after the New Year.

Through its social networks, the Mayan Train reported that from December 28 at 11:00 a.m. until December 31 its operations will be stopped due to the pre-opening of the new Cancún-Palenque route.

“If you bought a ticket, please write to us at:,” added the Mayan Train, since the sale of tickets for transportation began weeks before the inauguration of the first section.

The news about the interruption of service in the recently inaugurated 4T flagship took users by surprise, who did not hesitate to express their annoyance on networks.

“We just arrived in Campeche to get on the Maya train. We come from Mexico City. What can we do? It’s not fair,” wrote user Euyin Guticam on X (formerly Twitter).

According to statements by President López Obrador during the inauguration, the construction of the Mayan Train should be completed in February 2024.

President López Obrador stressed that “there is no work like this in the world” and that “it was not done with credit,” and that nothing is owed when building it.

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The president took the opportunity to criticize neoliberal policy, who he said looted Campeche and the Southeast and left them nothing. But he assured that with the Mayan train and its development policies, poverty in the region was reduced.

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