They warn of the presence of crocodiles on the beaches of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo – El Sol de México

The authorities of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, one of the main tourist destinations in Mexico, warned this Thursday of the presence of crocodiles on the beaches.

Sightings of this reptile in Guerrero have been common among locals due to the proximity of estuaries to the tourist strip, including the Ixtapa Crocodile, but its presence in the sea has increased recently.

The most recent sighting occurred this Wednesday, when tourists on El Palmar beach, in the hotel zone of Ixtapa, captured the reptile while swimming in the sea.

The specimen, about 3 meters long, caused admiration among bathers, who took the opportunity to record the spectacle from the strip of sand.

Canadian tourist dies after animal attack

The alert comes after a Canadian tourist died on December 14 from injuries caused by an attack by an unspecified animal in Playa Quieta, adjacent to the Crocodile and which has been adapted for people with disabilities.

Despite medical attention, the man identified as Joseph Bynens, 76 years old, died due to the extent of the injuries to one of his legs.

It should be noted that this beach was restricted to the public for a couple of days but was reopened for the December holiday period.

After the attack, the municipal president, Jorge Sánchez Allec, promised that studies would be carried out to determine the species, given reports that it was a shark, but to date no results have been provided.

Recommendations for crocodile sightings

The municipal Ecology Directorate issued the ‘General Recommendations for Crocodile Sightings’ with six points, among which stands out maintaining a body-length distance from the crocodile, both on the shore and in the water.

“Do not approach or stay close if you notice the presence of a crocodile. If you find yourself in the water, stand up, move calmly toward deeper water and leave the area,” the recommendations say.

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The Government asks to avoid risky hours – at night or very early -, not to interact with crocodiles, not to sleep or rest near water in areas inhabited by reptiles, as well as to take care of pets.

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