Mejoredu commissioners ask to stop merger with the SEP – El Sol de México

Given the proposal of the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to disappear National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education (Mejoredu)as part of the package of reforms sent to the legislature, two of the five commissioners will request the intervention of the secretaries of education in the entities and of the Congress of the Union so that this constitutional initiative does not pass.

Through positioning commissioners Florentino Castro López and Óscar del Río Serrano They announced that they will go before the educational authorities of the states who will meet at the end of this month to request their support.

They will do the same before the Congress of the Union, they will request the different parliamentary fractions of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic their support to strengthen the institution and participate in the Open Parliament forums to inform the work of Mejoredu.

“We will fight because instead of suppressing it and passing its powers to the SEP, the legislature decides to strengthen it. An organization of this nature cannot be delivered without really considering its relevance to the National Educational Systeml.”

This is the second time in which it is proposed to disappear the institution in charge of carrying out the evaluation of the educational system and making proposals to improve the quality of education. basic and upper secondary education. Among its functions is also to carry out a diagnosis of the infrastructure conditions and teaching resources for educational improvement.

The first occurred in the middle of the educational reform proposal, at the beginning of the administration of President López Obrador, when the National Institute for Educational Evaluation launched that proposal and was transformed into Mejoredu.

Now, as part of the Draft Decree on administrative simplification, both the National System for Continuous Improvement of Education (SNMCE), as its coordinating body: Mejoredu and transfer its powers and obligations to the Secretary of Public Education.

“The body responsible for designing the national educational policy cannot be judge and party,” the commissioners agree.

In the positioning of two pages they establish four actions, three of which are aimed at encouraging Mejoredu not to disappear and two more so that in the event that this instance becomes part of the SEP the labor rights of workers are guaranteed.

“The Board of Directors could not guarantee them, since this governing body would also find itself in the same circumstances as the rest of the staff.”

The proposal of 4T government, which was delivered on February 5 to Congress, the disappearance of autonomous, decentralized and deconcentrated bodies was proposed. Regarding this initiative, the two commissioners point out that over more than four years Mejoredu has provided various resources, materials and documents that are a reference for the federal and state educational authoritiesas well as teachers and the educational community.

“It is important to highlight that the SEP and Mejoredu have different powers and functions, and, therefore, if this initiative is approved, there is an enormous risk that in the learning evaluation processes and in the design and preparation of studies and research aimed at identifying aspects of continuous improvement, the vision is diluted.”

They added that since its creation Mejoredu has faced budgetary and administrative limitations, a diversity of visions and endless obstacles and despite this there is a commitment to problematize the educational reality and propose recommendations and proposals for the development and permanent strengthening of the system and the educational improvement of girls, boys and adolescents.

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