Mexican cinema shines in 2023: national productions received 849 awards – El Sol de México

ANDThis 2023, Mexico shone internationally thanks to films such as Totemby Lila Avilés; The echoby Tatiana Huezo, Valentina or serenity by Ángeles Cruz and The fallby Lucía Puenzo.

During this time, Mexican cinema received a total of 849 awards and honorable mentions in both national festivals and international competitions, according to what was reported by the Ministry of Culture.

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Totem It is the most awarded film, with 22 awards from festivals such as the Berlin International Film Festival where he won the Ecumenical Jury Prize; Best Director for Avilés at the International Festival of Beijing Cinema and three more at the Morelia International Film Festival in the categories of Mexican Fiction Feature FilmDirecting a Mexican Feature Film and the Audience Award.

Totem features the performances of Montserrat Marañón, Naíma Senties, Marisol Gasé, Saori Gurza, Teresa Sánchez, Mateo García, among others. This tells the story of Sun, a seven-year-old girl who helps prepare for her father’s surprise party. The film offers a reflection on family losses, through a child’s perspective.

The film, which won the financial support from Eficine in areas of Production and Distributionwas selected to represent Mexico in the Best International Film category in the next edition of the awards Oscar.

“I was interested in returning to those early years that mark you, and how we have all lived through a particular day that has been powerful and has changed us drastically. I was interested in returning to the concept of what family and friend ties are like, not only between people and friends, but also with animals,” Avilés said in an interview with The Sun of Mexicoa few weeks ago.

The fallfilm starring Karla Souza and directed by Lucía Puenzo was recently awarded two awards Emmy International in the 51st edition, in the categories of Television Movie/Mini Series and Best Female Performancethe latter awarded to its protagonist.

On the other hand, The echoby Tatiana Huezoa story that focuses on how children little by little understand topics such as death, illness and love within a community, won seven awards in categories such as Best Documentary and Direction at the Berlin International Film Festivalwhile in Morelia he achieved recognition for Best Documentary Feature Film and Audience Award.

The echo It was made thanks to the support of Focine and the National System of Art Creators (SNCA). Montserrat Hernández, María de los Ángeles Pacheco Tapia, Luz María Vázquez González and Sarahí Rojas Hernández are part of the cast.

Motherfrom director Xun Sero and Valentina or serenityby Ángeles Cruz, also stood out at festivals. The first was nominated in Morelia and at the Seattle festival, while the second was nominated in Morelia for Best Film and was the winner in the Best Actress and Film categories at the Huelva Latin American Film Festival; both had the Encouragement for Audiovisual Creation in Mexico and Central America for Indigenous and Afro-descendant Communities (Ecamc).

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In the children’s sector, The piñataby Verónica Ramírez received awards in countries like Peru and Brazilwhile others tapes like Adolfo, by Sofia Auza, which tells the story of two young people who face strong emotional problems, won at the International Festival of Berlin Cinema the Crystal Bear; in Guadalajararecognition of Morning Dew as best Actress and nomination in Seattle festival.

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