Mexicans march to demand the reduction of the working day to 40 hours – El Sol de México

Around 10:00 a.m., hundreds of Mexicans in different parts of the country took to the streets to express their demand for the Reduction of the working day, Chihuahua being one of the cities to join this request.

With the hashtag #YoPorLas40Horas, they are calling on citizens to express their position regarding this proposal that aims reduce the work day from 48 to 40 hours.

It was almost a year ago when the opinion of said proposal was approved in the Chamber of Deputies; However, for unknown reasons the process was stopped, which has caused disagreement in the Laboral sector.

As announced in recent days by the promoter of this initiative, Susana Prieto Terrazas, more than fifteen cities will be the ones to join the initiative. March. In the case of Chihuahua, the route will be from the Glorieta de Pancho Villa to the Plaza del Ángel.

The legislator will be present at the march that takes place in Mexico Citywhich will depart from the Angel of Independence towards the Zócalo so that the President of the Republic can witness the will of the people and the support they have for this proposal for which various open forums and parliaments have been held.

Prieto Terrazas has repeatedly regretted the hidden agreements already agreed upon by the Political Coordination Board (JUCOPO) of the legislative branch since they are the ones who have been postponing the plenary vote on the proposal, thus denying the workers the opportunity to have a better life quality.

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Although he does not want this march to have a partisan tone, he considers it advisable that the deputies of the different parliamentary fractions, with the exception of the PAN, which is the only one that remains against the initiative, take to the streets to demand that a vote be taken. as soon as possible the opinion that has already been prepared.

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