Military arrives to reinforce security in Ciudad Juárez – El Sol de México

In a joint effort to strengthen security in the region, the Secretary of National Defense has announced the arrival of the first troops destined to support Operation Juarezas part of the attention they maintain within this matter.

This initiative was framed within the National Public Security Strategy and its main objective is to guarantee the tranquility and well-being of the Chihuahua population.

A contingent of 2,100 military personnel has arrived in Ciudad Juárez, who will work in a coordinated manner with the authorities of the three levels of government. These joint actions seek to ensure better security conditions for society, particularly on the border, which has faced significant challenges in this regard.

In addition to the military presence, a close collaboration between local, state and federal law enforcement agenciesin order to carry out coordinated operations and preventive actions that contribute to reduce crime rates and improve the quality of life of citizens.

It is expected that with the implementation of Operation Juárez and the support of the new military personnel, it will be achieved a positive impact on reducing violence and provide a safer and more peaceful environment for all inhabitants of the region.

Currently on the border, dozens of homicides have been recorded in the first days of the start of the year, as well as other indicators that the authorities attend to but which have not been enough to reduce the incidence on the border with the United States.

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This transfer of elements is the second complement that they send to the state, since during February 1 more than 170 elements also arrived in the city to contribute to the attention of crimes.

Note published in The Herald of Chihuahua

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