Minimum wage in 2024: negotiations enter decisive phase – El Sol de México

“It seems that the line that will be followed this Thursday in the negotiation of the new minimum wage for 2023 is an increase of 20 percent; but there is still much to be defined. That 20 percent could be a way out because it exceeds inflation at a certain point.”

“But we need to know how it would be divided between a percentage and the amount pending recovery. And also the impact it has on the northern border area, throughout the country and also on professional salaries. We still have a lot to analyze,” said the lawyer. José Luis Carazo.

He Representative of the Labor Sector before the National Minimum Wages Commission (CONASAMI) in an interview, did not want to say whether they would accept the presidential proposal that coincides with that of the national leader of Coparmex, José Medina Moraof a 20 percent salary increase for next year.

“I really wouldn’t like to negotiate through statements. We are going to sit at a table that is institutional, which is established by the Federal Labor Law. And at this table, based on social dialogue, we will try to reach an agreement because if not, we will dedicate ourselves to negotiating through the media. “It is not the healthiest thing for these types of issues,” he told The Sun of Mexico.

Did President López Obrador in his report say that he would like a 20% increase?

-Yes, he did say that. We are going to be seated on the first day and surely the percentage will not be a problem. The situation to be negotiated and discussed will be how it is applied and that it applies to everything that impacts the minimum wage. That is, to the border salary and the professionals. That’s where we are.

José Medina Mora said that they are in the spirit of not harming the workers?

-We are in the same spirit, that of course the workers are not harmed and that investment and strength comes through greater purchasing power of salaries.

Is what is most convenient for the workers what will be accepted?

– No no. We are going to sit down to negotiate on December 1st and as soon as we start negotiating we will see. That’s where everything is defined. They will give their arguments for what they propose.

Just like the government, because there are three of us. The government will say: I propose that it be like this; us businessmen like that.

And the workers will listen to the proposals to find out if we agree. The proposal of the labor sector was a 25 percent salary increase.

But are they in the position of 20 percent?

-I repeat: we need to see how the whole package comes together. It changes a lot due to the situation of where it impacts and how it is distributed, because really what percentage is the independent recovery amount and what percentage is paid in pesos and what percentage is going to be applied to take into account the complete proposal.

They have not yet given us the complete proposal and we must analyze it all.

I think that businessmen are also in that role of seeing how things are. And also the government with its guiding role, check what is proposed. We still have two days left for this to happen.

Will the first day of December be the day to die?

-Not necessarily. According to the brand Federal Labor Law in its article 571 We have the entire month of December to negotiate. We hope that on the same day we will first agree, but we have the whole month to do it.

On December 1st, negotiations resume in the permanent session at Conasami. It is listening to the new proposals, the new decisions of the three sectors.

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The minimum wage negotiation table in the CONASAMI is in permanent session. Tomorrow, December 1st, they resume deliberations.

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