Morena accuses Enrique Alfaro of wanting to break his mega alliance in Jalisco – El Sol de México

Mario Delgado, national leader of Brunette, accused the governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaroto use the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute and the State Electoral Tribunal to try to break the mega alliance between Morena, Labor Party, Green Party, Hagamos and Futuro.

The leader of Brunette He said that three days after starting the registration of candidates, on February 12, the Electoral Institute of Jalisco imposed rules of gender parity and distribution of candidates aimed exclusively at his coalition, which he accused of trying to complicate appointments in municipalities such as Zapopan, where the pre-candidate is Pedro KumamotoOf future.

“They are trying to destabilize our alliance, so that where we had selected a woman they put a man and where we had selected a woman they put a man, and that we do not have the opportunity to present all the candidacies on time (…) We want the governor to take his hands off the process and that the electoral authorities act impartially, the people in Jalisco have already decided,” he said.

Citlalli Hernandezgeneral secretary of Brunettesaid that they are going to provisionally adjust the candidacies to what the Electoral Institute, modification for which he has until the last minute of February 11, however, he demanded that the parity rules be applied to all political forces in the entity.

“We demand that the Jalisco electoral authority apply this gender parity rule to Citizen Movement and PRIANRD, “We want to see if they are also capable of complying with parity in every sense and at all levels,” he said.

Meanwhile, the deputy Hamlet García Almaguer He said that they will go to the Guadalajara Regional Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) to dispute the ruling of the local Electoral Tribunal, which he described as a straitjacket that seeks to give a wide berth to Citizen movement.

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The legislator assured that the candidacy of Pedro Kumamoto is firm and that they are going to adjust the candidates where necessary.

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