Murder of Angelita León could be unrelated to her activism: AMLO – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that the search engine’s murderer was identified Angelita León in Baja Californiawho had requested support for the threats received, but that his murder It is not related to its human rights activity.

At the same time, he reproached the fact that these types of cases are politicized and there is opportunism. “These are also times of buzzards and vultures and a lot of opportunism.”

The president commented that he understands the “legitimate discomfort” of the victims’ families who demand compliance with the commitments he made during his campaign.

To a question at the morning conference at the National Palace about the delay in the progress of more than 50 thousand human remains found in forensic centers in the country, the president said that his administration is going to report what is happening with the creation of human identification centers that have not been able to operate adequately.

“The government has not yet ended and I understand that there is legitimate discomfort among the victims’ families, but there is also discomfort on the part of our adversaries. We are doing our job, we do not repress, we do not disappear, we do not torture or spy. We were trained many years ago in the defense of human rights and we are consistent. So, we are not equal,” he added.

In the case of the activist’s murder, the Chief Executive said: “it worried us and led us to carry out an investigation into what happened, she had protection from local authorities. She had stated that she had threats“He had even made the federal request and had been told yes, although he did not answer and the local authorities took charge.”

He stated that he has identified the alleged responsible but that it has to be done calmly, “not to advance anything, but everything indicates that there is no relationship with what she did very well in searching for a missing sister in 2018.”

He said that he would not elaborate further on the case, but that he will ask Arturo Medina, undersecretary of Human Rights, to present a report.

López Obrador insisted that his administration is working, but that what is legitimately human and fair must be separated to look for missing people of the politicization of what occurs in these cases. “These are also times of buzzards and vultures and a lot of opportunism.”

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He then lashed out at the opposition, which he said has infiltrated human rights organizations. He indicated that this is the reason why his administration has had a hard time resolving the Ayotzinapa caseof the disappearance of the young normalistas.

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