Murillo Karam’s house arrest sends a message of impunity: CoVAJ – El Sol de México

The Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa case (CoVAJ) condemned the judicial decision to grant house arrest to the former Attorney General of the Republic, Jesús Murillo Karam.

In a statement, the CoVAJ regretted the position of Juan José Hernández Leyva, control judge of the Federal Criminal Justice Center in Mexico City, with residence in the Reclusorio Sur.

“With this determination, the right to truth and justice of the victims and their families is once again violated, since the former official has been identified as one of the main people responsible for obstructing justice in the disappearance of the 43 students. of the Normal Rural ‘Raúl Isidro Burgos’ of Ayotzinapa, as well as to construct the so-called ‘historical truth’ about what happened on the night of September 26, 2014 in Iguala, Guerrero,” said the department of the Ministry of the Interior.

Given this, the CoVAJ reiterated its willingness to work alongside the mothers and fathers of the 43 Ayotzinapa normalistas.

He stressed that he will continue to collaborate to support the parents of the victims in three areas: strengthening search efforts for young people; continue with efforts to break the pact of criminal silence and obtain information that allows us to find the whereabouts of the missing young people and strengthen legal actions “to punish those responsible for these terrible events that represent an open wound in the recent history of Mexico ”.

Murillo Karam, who faces charges for his alleged participation in crimes of torture against an alleged criminal related to the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa normal students in 2014, will continue in preventive detention from his home and under precautionary measures demanded by the Attorney General’s Office. Republic (FGR).

According to the criminal case he faces, the former prosecutor participated in alleged acts of torture committed against Felipe Rodríguez Salgado, El Cepillo, an alleged member of Guerreros Unidos, a group linked to the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa normalistas.

The FGR accusation says that Murillo Karam authorized acts of torture in the facilities under his charge and the file contains medical reports that indicated 31 injuries on El Cepillo’s body at the time of his arrest.

|| With information from Aldo Canedo ||

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