Navy headquarters closed in BCS; allegedly due to expired permit – El Sol de México

The headquarters of the Secretary of the Navy (Semar) in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Surwas closed this Thursday allegedly because the permit expired, according to a group of people who presented themselves as supposed officials.

At the site, a statement was requested from the alleged officials who refused to give more information about the incident; when questioning them about the reason for the closure They only commented that the permit had expired, without specifying or giving more details about what the permit consisted of.

This area is frequented by tourists They seek to do recreational tours such as sightings of whales and walks in the bay.

The fact is surprising due to the large number of walkers it receives and those who were in the place, since it is unknown what the effects that this fact may cause.

The area is located right in a very busy place with restaurants, hotels and shopswhich are the main attraction for visitors who arrive aboard the cruise ships.

At a certain moment elements of the State Police They guarded the area that was finally closed and to which they placed security seals.

The officials who came from the Mexico City They did not give statements, they even turned around and got into a golf cart in which they left the place along with some sailors who were guarding them.

Published in The South Californian

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