INE rejects PAN proposal to protect social programs – El Sol de México

Advisors of the National Electoral Institute (INE) rejected the PAN proposal to undertake a campaign to shield social programs in the current electoral process, since they affirmed that the electoral authority has no legal powers to inform citizens that social programs do not belong to any party.

In a General Council session, all the INE councilors rejected the PAN proposal because would imply that the electoral referee pays to the election campaign Xochitl Galvezpresidential candidate of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition, who demanded to broadcast in billboards that the social programs do not belong to Morena and even improperly used the INE logo to present images on social networks of what the campaign ads could be like.

Counselor Jaime Rivera stated that the INE cannot “assume as its own the political message of any party,” however, he highlighted that to the electoral authority if it is their responsibility to avoid coercion of the vote through social programs.

“The INE also cannot decide on who is the paternity or who is not paternity of a certain government action or social programs as in this case. Social programs As many government actions are part of what governments do and in many cases the parties deploy them in their campaigns and turn them into campaign offersthat it’s legit“said the advisor of the INE.

“The INE cannot prevent the political parties that have promoted (social programs) from managing it in their campaigns, it is legitimate as any political party can do. What the INE does have to prevent is thatwith the means at your disposal, is that once they are government actions, these become an instrument of coercion of the votethey can be propaganda within the campaign, the INE cannot prevent that,” said Jaime Rivera.

Counselor Norma Irene de la Cruz asked the political parties for “a truce” so that the social programs are not used in electoral propaganda, however, the representatives of the political forces chose to exchange accusations for more than three hours about who invented the social programs and who intends to remove them.

What is the Christmas truce? A pact that prevented the use of social programs for electoral purposes

The INE advisor recalled the christmas trucewhich was an agreement made during the 2005-2006 process with the purpose of “do not use social programs for electoral purposes (…) If you make that truce, where you also use your radio and television time to allocate a uniform message for the purposes pursued in the agreement you propose, then the INE could join in, but you would have to do that”.

Councilors Martín Faz and Carla Humphrey proposed reinforcing the campaign against voting coercion that the INE will begin to broadcast on radio and television starting April 14, including the media to denounce voting coercion, however, the proposal did not prosper. .

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