Neighbors block Xola and Insurgentes again due to water that smells like gasoline in BJ – El Sol de México

Neighbors of the Benito Juárez mayor’s office They closed Xola and Insurgentes again to demand that the authorities investigate what substance is contaminating the water in the district.

For several days now, neighbors of at least five colonies of Benito Juárez They reported that the tap water had a Bad smell. Some said it was similar to gasoline, others said it was insecticide, burnt grease, oil and even plasticine.

At first the Sacmex He assured that after an inspection of wells “the water in the mayor’s office was of good qualitysuitable for human use and consumption.”

Subsequently, Marti Batreshead of Government of the Mexico Cityconfirmed that the results of an analysis showed that there was the presence of other substances.

“The most recent analyzes of the water in poor condition in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office showed the presence of a substance belonging to the family of lubricants or oils”.

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