Nuevo León deputies propose padlocks to temporary licenses of governors – El Sol de México

With the purpose that the governors remain in their positions longer and do not abandon their responsibilities to seek a candidacy such as the presidency of the Republic, the Local Congress has two constitutional reform initiatives.

“I propose this initiative together with my fellow deputy Jessica Martínez and Isabella Lea. The three of us made an analysis in which although we cannot deny any Mexican to vote and be voted for, we can put stricter locks on license applications. We mainly look for three aspects in the part of the proposal of the Reform of the local Constitution”, reported representative Lorena de la Garza.

“One that can only be requested for a license when they have already completed more than two-thirds of the mandate for which they were elected, so that the governors do not want to go looking for another electoral adventure when their six-year term is just beginning. Two that they are not authorized when the state has a state of emergency or a decreed crisis of security, of the environment, of femicides and finally that Congress can determine the causes that make up that crisis,” commented the legislator.

On the other hand, he proposed reform article 82 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States so that among the requirements to aspire to the position of President of the Republic, it is necessary that the holders of executive powers in the states have to separate from their position one year before election day.

“In the part that we are presenting of the Reform to the Federal Constitution, it is about officials who want to compete for a position different from the one they hold having that particularity and we are only putting it for officials who in article 82 of the Constitution Federal is mentioned, it is not for all positions,” De la Garza emphasized.

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This way politicians are inhibited from using the position of Governor or Secretary of State as a springboard for their personal aspirationsto the detriment of the citizens, who gave their trust to the rulers.

The legislator hopes that by 2024 the proposal can be analyzed and approved.

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