Park caretaker in the United States inherits fortune to the community of Hinsdale, New Hampshire – El Sol de México

Many did not expect that a humble mobile home caretaker in a park Hinsdale, New Hampshire, had a hidden fortune. You always saw Geoffrey Holt wearing used clothes and working on his lawn mowing machine, reading the newspapers or taking bike rides.

“He seemed to have what he wanted, but he didn’t want much,” Edwin “Smokey” Smith, Holt’s best friend, told CBS News.

The simple caregiver passed away in early 2023 but it hid a big secret, it was multimillionaire and best of all, he donated much of it to his community. Here we tell you the story of Geoffrey Holt.

The humble millionaire

When dying Holt He left a will indicating that his 3.8 million dollars They had to be donated to the town of Hinsdale to benefit 4 thousand 200 people in health, education, recreation and culture.

“I don’t think anyone had any idea he was so successful. I know she didn’t have much of a family, but still, leaving her in the hands of the city where she lived. “It’s a tremendous gift,” said Steve Diorio, president of the city’s select board.

In said town located on one side of the Connecticut Riverbetween Vermont and Massachusetts, They are dedicated to fishing, hiking and small businesses that sell grains. Although it is not yet known what will be done with the money, residents have proposed that the money be used to maintain the town hall clock, restore buildings or a vote counting machine.

Edwin “Smokey” Smithand became the executor of the Holt’s estate and he says that he was surprised to see that all the money would go to the town. Even one of the first investments was for telecommunications.

His best friend knew that Holt She was a great collector. In her home he had history books, cars, trains and records, he was also an investor and he was just living a quiet life near the Connecticut River.

“He always told me that his main goal in life was to make sure no one noticed anything,” said his daughter Alison. As if it weren’t more surprising, Holt served in the US Navy in 1968 and later earned a master’s degree in the university where his father taught.

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“I think for Geoff, mowing the lawn was a way to relax, it was a way to connect with the outdoors. I think he saw it as a service to the people he cared about, which were the people in the trailer park who I think he really liked them because they weren’t fancy people,” said therapist Jim Ferry, who treated Holt in his later years.

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