Pension Fund for Wellbeing: the reform seeks a dignified retirement for workers Ignacio Mier – El Sol de México

He new pension fund look for a dignified retirement of the workersThis was stated by the coordinator of the Morena deputies, who highlighted that No It is a electoral measure, but of social justice and dignity for more than 45 million workers.

He pointed out that the importance of approving the creation of the Pension Fund for Welfare and thereby protect workers’ savings to guarantee decent pensions.

Ignacio Mier, coordinator of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies, added that “the Afores are not touched, neither by the administrators nor by parties, governments, by anyone; that belongs to the workers and has a great significant value because it has to do with old age, with a decent pension for them,” he indicated.

The new pension fund is not an electoral measure, but one of social justice.Ignacio Mier, coordinator of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies.

For the Morena coordinator, the new pension fund is not an electoral measure, but rather an social justice and dignity for more than 45 million workers who saw the consequences of the modifications to the Law of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in 1997 and in 2006, of the Law of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE).

The pension system has always been a challenge for the world

The pension system, in the world, has always been a challenge because in 2020 it led the reform of the laws of the Afores, the IMSS and the ISSSTE in order to reduce from 1,250 weeks of contributions for workers, to 750 and grow maximum to 1 thousand.

In addition to the above, the commissions paid for having an individual account in the Afores decreased significantly.

When talking about the consequences of the 1997 and 2006 reforms, I assure that currently seeking to achieve that the pensions be greater and reach for meet the needs of retired people.

What is the Pension Fund for Wellbeing?

According to Ignacio Mier, the Pension Fund for Welfare has the purpose of strengthen and complement the pension worthy, since it is about achieving social justice for workers without financing from fiscal resources committed and under the administration of a public trust.

The coordinator of the Morena bench invited the opposition to read the initiative and vote in favor, for the benefit of the workers of Mexico.

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