Pirate taxis in the Historic Center: the locations that neighbors report – El Sol de México

Population of the Historical Center From Mexico City They have reported at least eight irregular taxi bases that carry altered license plates, or are private cars, that provide service during times of high tourist influx.

I agree with you citizen reports collected through 15 neighborhood WhatsApp chats that manages the Historic Center Authorityevery week residents report the presence of between one and up to four bases located mainly in the first square of this area.

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These reports indicate that the irregular sites are located between the streets Central Axis and Hidalgo, Isabella the Catholic and May 5, Isabella the Catholic and Log, Palm and Log, May 5 and Monte de PiedadAvenida Juárez, Isabel la Católica and San Jerónimo, and Regina with February 5.

Norma Sotelo, member of the Neighborhood Coordinating Council in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, has denounced that these bases, in addition to parking in prohibited placesthey also operate without taximeter.

“The neighbors have complained to us. At the end of February, three older adults took one of those taxis on February 5 and Independencia and were charged 400 pesos, they had the taximeter altered. They got angry, but he (the taxi driver) threatened them. It was reviewed and the Uber It was 170 pesos for that same distance,” Sotelo said.

The Historic Center Authority has classified these reports as “frequent” within your weekly reports. Accumulate, for example, at least 10 reports from the irregular base located in Central Axis and Hidalgo and eight in Isabel la Católica and May 5.

“They are there every day, we report them but they are still there,” said Sotelo. The weekly reports he publishes on his site The Historic Center Authority reports that, from January 1 to the second week of April, the traffic police of the local Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) has violated 439 taxis parked in prohibited areas.

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The infractions were lifted in the streets of May 5, Central axis, Isabella the Catholic, BolivarMonte de Piedad the surroundings of the Plinth. Irregular taxis are also present in the fine reports, the streets of López, Brasil, November 20, San Pablo, Allende, Guatemala, Uruguay, Venustiano Carranza, Palmas, Victoria, among others.

Although the taxis that provide their services in the Historical Center are constantly reported by neighborsThe number of fines made by traffic police They barely represent 4 percent of the total of transparent violations in the weekly reports of the inter-institutional government and security tables of the Mexico City.

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