Lies in the morning – El Sol de México

As soon as Xóchitl Gálvez and the PRI, PAN and PRD parties again asked the INE to fulfill its role as watchdog and guarantor of impartiality in the contest, demanding that the President suspend the morning meetings during the contest, and to officially report with greater force, that Social programs cannot be partisan, much less coerced to vote in favor of Morena.

As everyone knows, the Servants of the Nation paid by the public treasury proselytize in favor of Morena in their visits to those who are beneficiaries of social programs. There are already leaks where extra money is shamelessly offered for the vote in favor of Morena.

The INE has previously asked the government to lower some morning hours at the request of the opposition parties, but the President is becoming more and more defiant, using his conferences to proselytize in favor of his movement, insulting the opposition and those who have any opinion contrary to their ideas, to the free media, and continues to polarize society; And all of this, the Counselors of the General Council of the INE say that there is no legal basis to suspend them.

Let us remember that on December 3, 2018, López Obrador calls his first morning meeting and announces that he will do so every week from Monday to Friday. That morning he said that every day the public security cabinet would meet to look at the problem of insecurity, “because this is the issue that worries Mexicans the most.” He also offered that the truth in the Ayotzinapa case would be known. Reality shows us a country immersed in violence and insecurity like never before, and the students’ case remains unresolved.

Since the mornings he has dedicated himself to fostering the division between good and bad, putting all those who even dare to express a simple observation, at the extreme pole of the conservatives. The victims of high-impact crimes have been growing and the animosity against those who claim to survive the increase in public insecurity, too. Be it search mothers or transporters who travel surviving insecurity and murders on the roads.

The President boasted from the first day of his government that he would have “the reins of power in his hands,” and he has complied reliably. He has arrogated to himself meta-constitutional powers beyond his republican responsibility. It concentrates power, has annulled the Legislative Branch with the majority of its movement, attacks the Judicial Branch, which it wants to disappear, and eclipses the constitutionally autonomous organizations OCA, either by not appointing its members or by putting its followers to control from inside, the resolutions they make. If his party wins the qualified majority, they would disappear and we would go back 40 years.

López uses power to have complete control of the resources of the public treasury. It doesn’t matter what the Chamber of Deputies decides. That is why the opposition parties demand that the mornings enter an impasse, that cell phones be prohibited when casting the vote, and that those who lie are punished that social programs, if Xóchitl wins, will be removed.

Everything the President does violates the constitutional principles of impartiality, neutrality and fairness in competition. But electoral authorities say that is not the case. Incredible.

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