PAN is on the verge of losing registration due to militant crisis – El Sol de México

He National Action Party (BREAD), the second political force in the country in terms of citizen representation, maintains a deep membership crisis among militants, which even places it at the limit established by the electoral law to maintain the registry. This, despite the fact that in the last two and a half years This political institute spent 37 million pesos on membership campaigns.

With five governorships (Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Yucatán and Querétaro), 314 municipal presidencies, as well as 110 federal deputies and 17 senators, the BREAD It has a registry of 277,665 militants until December 31, 2023, according to data from the INE and from that match. The limit established by electoral legislation to maintain the registry is 260 thousand 85 citizens (0.26% of the Electoral Register).

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According to Electoral Register in force, with a cut-off to March 27, 2024, the National Electoral Institute (INE) counts 100 million 33 thousand 050 citizens registered in said registry. That is, for only 17,580 militants (the population that has the municipality of Ixtapan de la Sal, in the Mexico state, For example, him BREAD keeps record as national political party.

In July 2021, the date of the last federal election, National Action had a membership register of 252 thousand 140while for December In 2023, the registration of PAN members totaled 277,655. In said period, he BREAD achieved a membership of 25,525 citizens.

National Actionthat was founded in 1939 It is the party that has the smallest number of members of the seven registered national political forces, even below the so-called “small parties”, such as Citizen movementhe Labor Party (PT)or the Green Ecologist, El Sol de México He looked for the director of the National Registry of Militants of the BREADBogar Alba Butrón, through the social communication area of ​​the CEN of that party, headed by Felipe de Jesús González, to have the version of that political institute on the strategy to follow due to the membership crisis of militants. Until press time, there was no response.

Following the 2021 midterm federal elections, Marko Cortesnational leader of BREADpromised to relax the membership requirements for that party and eliminate various filters for the registration of citizens as PAN militants.

On April 3, Cortés Mendoza led the launch of a pilot programthrough a digital application, called “affiliation within the reach of a click”. The tool, however, It will be valid until May 20 to “be perfected and become permanent.”

“With this program we are addressing a militancy requestwho asked that the party open itself to society and to citizens who constantly ask how they can join National Action“, he pointed.

Another requirement established by the General Law of Political Parties to maintain registration as a national political party is to have at least three thousand militants in 20 federal entities. He BREAD It also has problems in that area, since it barely exceeds the minimum required in the electoral legislation in 25 of the 32 states in the country.

In Tabasco, Baja California Sur, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Colima, Nayarit and Campeche, This political institute is below three thousand members and in six other states it barely exceeds the figure established by the electoral law.

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In Oaxacahe BREAD has three thousand 263 militants; in Tlaxcala with three thousand 297; in Gentlemanthe state where its presidential candidate is from, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruizhas three thousand 368; in Coahuila has three thousand 753 members; in Morelos with three thousand 770, and in Guerrero con five thousand 486.

For militant affiliation campaigns the BREAD disbursed, between July 2021 and December 2023, a total of 37.1 million pesos with Bvir2al companies ,DNA Digital Experience, Urban Channel and FC Business Publiart Mexico for services such as “installation and configuration of the platform for the national registry of militants”, “updating and purifying the militant database” or “credentialing and its respective follow-up.”

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