Confidential Agenda / Oh wow! – The Sun of Mexico

It was already said by the lady who many years ago sold gelatin in her town, who looked after the well-being of the indigenous people, who claims to defend women… and who is now PRIAN candidate to the presidency of the Republic: “If at 60 you haven’t been able to make a fortune, you’re really cool.”

Obviously the women and men who are “scratching” that age and who go out to “rub their backs” to barely support their family, were perplexed by this statement that they consider humiliating. Realizing her absurdity, the lady Xochitl He backed off and specified that he was referring to Claudia Sheinbaum, who doesn’t have their own house, or company, or anything, and not the screwed ones who, with a lot of work, rent a little house. “Don’t get me wrong, the reference was clear and forceful to Mrs. Sheinbaum, don’t take the statement out of context,” she asked. So first he “cajeta” it and then he asks that they not misunderstand, he responds to those who felt addressed and offended.

And with that verbal incontinence that characterizes her, Xóchitl stated: “Claudia has accounts in tax havens, she has had salaries as Head of Government, she has been a public official in Mexico City, and the truth of the matter “She is the one who demanded that I live in a house and she in a rented apartment.”.

After, the PRIAN candidate He gave his Bodoques as an example: “I have two children, Dianawho at 28 was able to buy his own little depabut he could buy it; Juan Pablo likes a little chaosbut there he has been saving, but it costs more to save“, he acknowledged. And at the height of stupidity, he sent his daughter to Guanajuato to send a message to the young people: If my mom becomes president, everyone will have a little house, even if it belongs to Infonavit.

Tie his tongue! The respectable man shouts at him.

When Arturo Zaldívar took office as President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2018), He promised a “change of course” in that institution, which had become a nest of corruption and nepotism; where a “harmful judicial corporatism” took root at the service of the most powerful groups and figures, politically and economically speaking, who “they anointed the hand” to the judges and magistrates, ministers, including several of the Court, so that they would favor them in their little matters.

Zaldívar committed to breaking down barriers so that there would be justice for all, but, above all, for the poorest, the most unprotected, the forgotten, the marginalized, the discriminated against. “We have to be the voice of those who have no voice. Continue moving forward until the transformation becomes democratic normality; until the change becomes reality; until honesty, transparency, excellence, and sensitivity become customary… until distrust becomes trust; until inequality becomes equality; until we judges are the engine of change in the fight towards a more just and equal Mexico…” he said.

Last weekthe Supreme Court ordered that Minister Zaldívar be investigated for “protecting a corrupt system and coercing judges,” according to an anonymous complaint, which exposes with “hair and marks,” names and surnames the “modus operandi.”

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